Τρίτη 17 Απριλίου 2012

Death and resurrection

The joy of the resurrection is something which we, too, must learn to experience, but we can experience it only if we learn the tragedy of the cross. To rise again, we must die. Die to our hampering selfishness, die to our fears, die to everything which makes the world so narrow, so cold, so poor, so cruel. Die so that our souls may live, may rejoice, may discover the spring of life. If we do this then the resurrection of Christ will have come down to us also.

But without the death on the cross there is no resurrection,
the resurrection which is joy, the joy of life recovered, the joy of the life that no one can take away from us any more! The joy of a life which is superabundant, which like a stream runs down the hills, carrying with it heaven itself reflected in its sparkling waters.

The resurrection of Christ is reality in  history as his death on the cross was real, and it is because it belongs to history that we beleive in it. It is not only with our hearts but with the totality of our experience that we know the risen Christ. We can know Him day after day as the Apostles knew Him. Not the Christ of the flesh, but the ever - living Christ. The Christ of the spirit of whom St Paul speaks, the risen Christ who belongs to time and eternity because He died once upon the cross but lives for ever.

"Creative Prayer"
by Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom) of Sourozh

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